What type of inhibition occurs when old information makes it difficult for learners to remember new information?

The type of inhibition that occurs when old information makes it difficult for
learners to remember new information is called proactive interference. This
occurs when previously learned information interferes with the acquisition or
retention of new information. For example, if you have been using the same
phone number for many years, you may have difficulty remembering a new number
when you get a new phone. This is because the old number is still strongly
encoded in your memory and can compete with the new number for access to your
working memory.

Here is a table summarizing the difference between proactive and retroactive

Type of Interference  Definition  Example
Proactive interference Old information interferes with the acquisition or retention of new
Having difficulty remembering a new phone number after using the same
one for many years.
Retroactive interference New information interferes with the recall of old information.
Forgetting the name of a new acquaintance after meeting someone else
with the same name.

There are a number of things that can be done to reduce proactive
interference, including:

  • Rehearsing the new information can help to strengthen the new memory trace
    and make it less susceptible to interference from older memories.
  • Spreading out the learning can also help to reduce proactive interference by
    giving the brain more time to consolidate the new information before it is
    exposed to interfering information.
  • Interleaving can also be effective, as it involves mixing up the learning of
    different types of material. This can help to prevent the brain from forming
    strong associations between similar items, which can make it more difficult
    to distinguish between them later.

Proactive interference is a common phenomenon that can have a significant
impact on learning. However, by understanding the factors that contribute to
proactive interference and using strategies to reduce it, learners can improve
their ability to retain new information.

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