The Earth and The Space

1. What is the earth?

Ans. The earth is a planet. It moves around the sun in 365 days.

2. What is the shape of the earth?

Ans. It is round like a huge orange.

3. What is the distance between the earth and the sun?

Ans. The distance between the Earth and the sun is 14.8 million kilometers.

The Earth and The Space

4. What is the average distance between the earth and the moon?

Ans. The average distance between the earth and the moon is 382 thousand km.

5. How many days does the earth take to move around the sun once?

Ans. The earth takes 365 days and 6 hours to move around the sun once.

6. How many continents are there in the world?

Ans. There are 7 continents in the world. They are Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, South America, North America and Antarctica.

7. What is the ratio of water and land on the surface of the earth?

Ans. There are 70% water and 30% land on the earth.

8. How many oceans are there on the earth?

Ans. There are 5 oceans on the surface of the earth. They are the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the North Ocean, and the South Ocean.

9. What is an island?

Ans. The land surrounded by water on all sides is called an island.

10. What is a lake?

Ans. A body of water surrounded by land on all sides is called a lake.

11. What is a waterfall?

Ans. A stream or river which falls from a high place is called a waterfall.

12. What is a bay?

Ans. A bay is a part of the sea with land on three sides.

13. What is a valley?

Ans. A valley is an area of lowlands between two mountains.

14. What is a hill?

Ans. An area of high piece of land is called a hill.

15. What is mountain?

Ans. An area of very high piece of land is called a mountain. The mountain is higher than the hills.

16. What is a volcano?

Ans. A volcano is a hole in the earth made by molten hot material like lava, steam, etc. which comes out with a great force.

17. What is the sun?

Ans. It is a hot ball of fire. It is a star.

18. Does the moon have its own light?

Ans. No, the moon has no light of its own. The sunlight falls on it and it is reflected.

19. What is a Milky Way?

Ans. The Milky Way is the lens-shaped spiral form seen in the sky as a huge concentration of faint stars encircling the sky.

20. What is Nebula?

Ans. A nebula is a luminous patch in the sky formed by clouds of rarified gas existing between stars. Their visibility is faint and hazy.

21. What is an earthquake?

Ans. Earthquakes are sudden releases of energy in the earth’s crust or upper mantle. The resulting shock produces waves that travel through the earth and along it surface, causing tremors. These tremors can topple buildings and cause widespread devastation.

22. What is a galaxy?

Ans. A galaxy is a huge congregation of stars that are held together by the force of gravity.

23. What is comet?

Ans. A Comet is a luminous celestial body. It moves around the sun in an elliptic or hyperbolic orbit. It consists of a bright nucleus or head and a faint tail, the length of which increases as it nears the sun.

24. How many planets are there in the solar system? Give their names.

Ans. There are nine planets known to exist in the solar system. 

In the order of their nearness to the sun, they are:

1) Mercury, 2) Venus, 3) Earth, 4) Mars, 5) Jupiter, 6) Satur, 7) Uranus, 8) Nepture and 9) Pluto.

25) Name the largest, smallest, and brightest planets in the solar system.

Ans. Largest Planet: Jupiter with an equatorial diameter of 142,880 km is the largest planet.

Smallest planet: The smallest known planet is Mercury with a diameter of 4,878 km.

Brightest Planet: Venus is the brightest planet.

26. What causes a lunar eclipse?

Ans. The lunar eclipse is caused when the earth comes between the sun the the moon and casts its shadow on the moon.

27. What is a solar eclipse?

Ans. Total or partial obscuration of the sun’s light when viewed from the Earth is called a solar eclipse. During the solar eclipse, the moon takes up such a position between the Earth and the sun that it partially or completely obscures the light of the sun.

28. Who was the first man to go into space?

Ans. The Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin led the first successful manned space flight on April 12, 1961.

29. Who was the first woman to go into space?

Ans. Valentina Vadimirovna Tereshkova, who launched in Vostok 6 from Tyura Tam in USSR, on June 16, 1963.

30. Who was the first person to walk in space?

Ans. Lt. Col. Alexei Leonov of USSR.

31. Who was the first woman to walk in space?

Ans. Soviet cosmonaut Svetlana Saviets Kaya was the first woman to walk in space on July 25, 1984.

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