Scope of Physics

 Scope of Physics

Since physics is the oldest and the most fundamental branch and other branches somehow flourished on the basis of physics, it is very natural that the scope of physics is very vast.

Not only that, different technologies have flourished based on different laws of physics and we are using these in our daily lives (there are examples of some instruments used in medical science in the final chapter).

At present the greatest contribution behind civilization is of electronics and physics has the greatest contribution behind civilization is of electronics and physics has the greatest contribution to this technology also.

Besides daily activities, from destruction of war to space exploration, the contribution of physics is present. Not only that, by the combination of other branches of science and physics, newer branches have developed, for example, astrophysics consists of astronomy and physics.

In order to explain organic processes, biophysics has been built up by the combination of biology and physics, chemical physics was born by the combination of chemistry and physics. Use of physics in Geology has developed Geophysics. Medical physics has flourished using physics. Therefore the area of physics is very vast and deep as well.

Physics is the key to all science. It is the fundamental branch of science because the foundation of other subjects is based on the principles of physics. For example, the principle of conservation of energy is a basic principle of physics used to explain the wide range of science starting from the structure of atoms to weather forecasting. Starting from Engineering to Medical Science, Astronomy to Oceanology, Biology to Psychology the instruments of Physics are used.

For the systematic study of physics, we can divide it into the following branches :

(1) Mechanics

(2) Heat and thermodynamics

(3) Sound

(4) Optics

(5) Electricity and Magnetism

(6) Solid State Physics

(7) Atomic Physics

(8) Nuclear Physics

(9) Quantum Physics and

(10) Electronics

For the advantage of teaching-learning we may divide physics into two principal parts. These are:

Classical Physics: This contains mechanics, sound, heat and thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism and optics.

Modern Physics: Modern Physics has been developed using Quantum Mechanics and Theory of Relativity. These are molecular and atomic physics, nuclear physics, solid state physics and particle physics.

We have mentioned earlier that many kinds of technologies have been developed in the world using physics or other branches of science. Using these technologies we have made our lives comfortable and meaningful.

We have mentioned earlier that many kinds of technologies have been developed in world using physics earlier that many kinds of technologies have been developed in the world using physics or other branches of science.

Using these technologies we have made our lives comfortable and meaningful. The invention of some dangerous technology has endangered not only our lives but also the existence of our earth. Sometimes unjustified and unnecessary technology has destroyed the resources of our earth along with creating pollution.

So remember that technology is not always good, as there are good technologies in the world, also there are bad technologies. Using your conscience, you have to understand which technology is good or bad.

Physics was not built in a single day, it took hundreds of years to develop. The physicists tried to explain, with the help of laws, the mysterious world through experiments. Thus, we are able to explain microscopic particle of matter to shape of largest universe and we are learning continuously.

Perhaps this learning is not complete still now – scientist are trying to make it complete, it will be possible to explain everything of apparently different subject with the help of a few laws one day.

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