What is an isomerization reaction?

In a chemical reaction, if the atoms are rearranged and one isomer is formed from another isomer, the reaction is called an isomerization reaction. An isomerization reaction is a type of chemical reaction in which a molecule undergoes a structural change to form a different isomer, which is a molecule with the same chemical formula … Read more

What is ionization energy?

The energy that is required to transform an element into a one-mole positive ion removing a one-mole electron from its one atom in its gaseous state is called the ionization energy of the element. What is Ionization Energy? Ionization energy is the amount of energy required to remove an electron from a neutral atom or … Read more

What is electron affinity?

The energy emitted when we try to transform an element in its gaseous state into one mole negative ion by injecting one mole electron into its one mole atom is called the electron affinity.