What is ECG?

ECG is the abbreviated form of the word electrocardiogram. ECG is a diagnostic procedure that is routinely used to assess the electrical and muscular functions of the heart.

The law of ohm.

At a fixed temperature, the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference across its two ends.

What is resistance?

Resistance simply means obstruction. When the electrons move within the bulk of a conductor, they collide with the atoms and molecules of the conductor. Due to this, their motion gets resisted and electric current gets obstructed. This property of a conductor is called resistance.

What is silvering?

The mirror is made by placing a reflecting layer on a smooth surface. If the reflecting surface is silver then this process is called silvering.

What is ETT?

ETT is a short form of Exercise Tolerance Text. It is a test of the simulated heart. Electric activities or functions (rate or rhythm) of the heart during exercise are recorded by ETT.