Modern Physics and Electronics

What is radioactivity?

Radioactivity is the emission or transmission of ion in the form of waves or
particles through space or material medium by the spontaneous disintegration
of atomic nuclei.

What is called Becquerel?

Becquerel is the SI unit of radioactivity, corresponding to one
disintegration per second.

What is meant by the half-life of radioactive element?

The time in which half of the nucleus disintegrates (or radiates) is known
as the half life is. The half life of a stable nucleus having no
radioactivity can be considered to be ‘infinity’.

Radioactivity is a nuclear phenomenon – explain.

Radioactivity is a nuclear phenomenon because a nucleus is transformed into
another through radioactive emission. Due to radioactivity, radioactive rays
emerge and this changes the structure of the nucleus and turn it into a
different element. A different nucleus can accept or donate one or two
electrons from surrounding to become a charge less atom.

How is ECG different from ETT?

ETT stands for exercise tolerance test while ECG stands for
Electro-Cardiogram. ETT is nothing but an ECG since it is done during the
time the patient is taking an exercise  with either a treadmill or a
stationary bicycle while ECG is done when the patient is in rest.

Why it is suitable to use optical fiber to send electrical signal at long
distance?</b >

Infrared rays of long wavelength are used n optical fibers. Because of using
infrared rays, the absorption of light in optical fibers is very low and
light can be taken hundreds of kilometers through optical fibers. Infrared
light propagates through the fiber with much lower attenuation compared to
electrical cables. That is why; it is suitable to use optical fiber to send
electrical signals at long distances.

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