Lessons on Life

1.1  Concept of Biology

What are living things?

Living things, also known as organisms, are entities that have the ability to
carry out fundamental life processes such as growth, reproduction, metabolism,
and response to stimuli. Living things are characterized by their
organization, complexity, and ability to maintain homeostasis, which is the
process of maintaining a stable internal environment despite changes in the
external environment.

Living things are diverse and can be found in various forms, ranging from
single-celled organisms like bacteria and protists to complex multicellular
organisms like plants, animals, and fungi. They interact with their
environment, including other living and non-living things, and play a critical
role in the maintenance of ecological balance and the continuation of life on

What are non-living things?

Non-living things, also known as inanimate objects, are entities that lack the
ability to carry out the fundamental life processes that are characteristic of
living things. These objects are typically composed of atoms and molecules,
but they do not have the complex organization, metabolism, and response to
stimuli that are associated with living things.

Non-living things can be divided into two categories: natural and man-made.
Natural non-living things include things like rocks, air, water, and soil,
while man-made non-living things include objects like buildings, machines, and
tools. While these objects may interact with living things and affect their
environment, they themselves do not have the ability to grow, reproduce, or
respond to stimuli in the same way as living organisms.

What is an organism?

An organism is a living entity that has the ability to carry out fundamental
life processes such as growth, reproduction, metabolism, and response to
stimuli. Organisms can be unicellular, consisting of a single cell like
bacteria and protists, or multicellular, consisting of many cells like plants,
animals, and fungi.

Organisms are characterized by their complexity and organization, which allows
them to maintain homeostasis, the process of maintaining a stable internal
environment despite changes in the external environment. They interact with
other living and non-living things in their environment and play a critical
role in the maintenance of ecological balance and the continuation of life on

Organisms can be classified into different groups based on their
characteristics, such as their cell type, mode of nutrition, and reproductive
strategies. The study of organisms and their interactions with their
environment is known as ecology.

What is biology?

Biology is a natural science that studies living organisms and their
interactions with the environment. It encompasses a broad range of topics,
including the structure and function of cells and organs, the diversity of
life on Earth, genetics and inheritance, evolution, ecology, and the
interactions between living and non-living things.

Biology is an interdisciplinary field that draws upon knowledge from many
other sciences, including chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer
science. It is also an experimental science, using a variety of methods to
investigate and understand living systems, such as microscopy, genetic
analysis, and field observations.

Biology plays a critical role in many areas of society, including medicine,
agriculture, biotechnology, and conservation. Understanding biological
processes and the relationships between organisms and their environment is
essential for addressing many of the challenges facing humanity, such as
climate change, disease, and food security.

1.2  Branches of Biology

What is Botany?

Botany is a branch of biology that focuses on the study of plants, including
their structure, function, growth, reproduction, evolution, and
classification. It encompasses a wide range of topics, from the molecular
biology of plant cells to the ecology of plant communities.

Botanists study all aspects of plants, from the smallest bacteria-like
organisms that live in the soil to the largest trees in the forest. They may
focus on specific groups of plants, such as flowering plants, ferns, or
mosses, or they may study the interactions between plants and other
organisms, such as insects, fungi, and animals.

Botany has important practical applications in areas such as agriculture,
horticulture, medicine, and biotechnology. Botanists may work to develop new
crop varieties, improve plant-based medicines, or develop new biofuels from
plant materials. Botanical research also has important implications for
understanding and addressing global challenges such as climate change and
biodiversity loss.

What is Zoology?

Zoology is a branch of biology that focuses on the scientific study of
animals, including their behavior, physiology, anatomy, genetics, evolution,
and ecology. Zoologists may study a wide range of animals, from tiny insects
to large mammals, and may specialize in particular groups of animals such as
birds, reptiles, or marine life.

Zoology is an interdisciplinary field that incorporates knowledge from many
other sciences, including chemistry, physics, mathematics, and ecology.
Zoologists use a variety of methods to study animals, including laboratory
experiments, field observations, and genetic analysis.

Zoology has many practical applications in areas such as wildlife
conservation, veterinary medicine, and agriculture. Zoologists may work to
understand and protect endangered species, develop new treatments for animal
diseases, or improve the efficiency and sustainability of agricultural
practices. Zoological research also has important implications for
understanding and addressing global challenges such as climate change and
emerging infectious diseases.

What is physical biology?

Physical biology is a field of research that combines principles from
physics and biology to study the physical properties and behavior of living
systems. It aims to understand how biological systems function and interact
at a physical and molecular level, using mathematical models and
quantitative experimental techniques.

Physical biology covers a broad range of topics, from the biophysics of
molecular machines, such as enzymes and proteins, to the mechanics of
cellular and tissue structures. It also encompasses the study of biological
systems across different scales, from individual cells to entire ecosystems.

Physical biology has important implications for many areas of science and
technology, including drug discovery, biotechnology, and materials science.
Researchers in this field may work on developing new tools and techniques
for studying biological systems, improving the understanding of cellular and
molecular processes, or designing new materials and technologies inspired by
biological systems.

Branches of Physical Biology

Physical biology is an interdisciplinary field that encompasses several
branches, including:

Biophysics: The study of the
physical principles underlying biological systems, including the properties
and behavior of biomolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids.

Systems biology: The study of
complex biological systems as integrated networks of interacting components,
using mathematical and computational modeling to understand how these
systems function.

Molecular biophysics: The study
of the physical and chemical properties of biological molecules, including
the structure and function of proteins and nucleic acids.

Quantitative biology: The use of
mathematical modeling and quantitative experimental techniques to study
biological systems and processes.

Computational biology: The
development and use of computational tools and algorithms to analyze and
understand biological data, including genomic and proteomic data.

Biomechanics: The study of the
mechanical properties of biological systems, including the mechanics of
cells, tissues, and organs.

Biophysical chemistry: The study
of the physical and chemical properties of biological molecules and their
interactions, including the structure and function of membranes, enzymes,
and other biomolecules.

Biophysical imaging: The
development and use of imaging techniques to visualize and study biological
systems and processes, including X-ray crystallography, electron microscopy,
and fluorescence imaging.

What has applied biology?

Applied biology is a field of biology that focuses on the practical
applications of biological knowledge and techniques to solve real-world
problems. It involves the use of biological principles and methods to
address challenges in areas such as medicine, agriculture, biotechnology,
and environmental conservation.

Applied biology encompasses many sub-disciplines, including:

Biotechnology: The use of living
organisms, cells, and biomolecules to develop new products and technologies,
such as genetically modified crops and biopharmaceuticals.

Medical biology: The study of
the biology of human health and disease, including the development of new
treatments and therapies for diseases.

Agricultural biology: The study
of the biology of crop and livestock production, including the development
of new crop varieties, animal breeds, and farming practices.

Environmental biology: The study
of the interactions between living organisms and their environment,
including the development of strategies for the conservation and restoration
of ecosystems.

Industrial biology: The use of
biological processes and organisms to develop new industrial products and
processes, such as biofuels and biodegradable plastics.

Applied biology often involves interdisciplinary collaborations with other
fields, such as engineering, chemistry, and computer science, to develop and
implement solutions to real-world problems.

1.3  Classification of living beings

What is the classification of living beings?

Classification of living beings is a system of organizing and categorizing
living organisms based on their evolutionary relationships, physical
characteristics, and genetic makeup. The main classification system used in
biology is called the Linnaean system, named after the Swedish botanist Carl
Linnaeus who first proposed it in the 18th century.

The Linnaean system groups organisms into a hierarchical structure based on
shared characteristics, with the broadest categories at the top and the most
specific categories at the bottom. The hierarchy consists of the following

Kingdom: The highest level of classification, which divides all living
organisms into broad groups based on their basic characteristics. The five
main kingdoms are Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.

Phylum: The second level of classification, which divides each kingdom
into smaller groups based on more specific characteristics.

Class: The third level of classification, which further divides each
phylum into smaller groups based on specific characteristics.

Order: The fourth level of classification, which further divides each
class into smaller groups based on more specific characteristics.

Family: The fifth level of classification, which further divides each
order into smaller groups based on specific characteristics.

Genus: The sixth level of classification, which further divides each
family into smaller groups based on shared characteristics.

Species: The lowest and most specific level of classification, which
groups together organisms that are closely related and can interbreed to
produce viable offspring.

This classification system is based on the evolutionary relationships between
living organisms and allows scientists to identify and study different
species, as well as understand their relationships with other species.

What is the aim of classification?

The aim of classification in biology is to organize and categorize living
organisms into groups based on their physical characteristics, evolutionary
relationships, and genetic makeup. This allows scientists to identify, study,
and understand different species, as well as their relationships with other

Classification provides a framework for organizing the vast diversity of life
on Earth and allows scientists to:

Identify and name new species: By using a standardized classification
system, scientists can identify and name new species based on their physical
characteristics and evolutionary relationships.

Study evolutionary relationships: Classification helps to understand
the evolutionary relationships between different species, including their
common ancestors and the branching patterns of their evolutionary history.

Understand biodiversity: Classification allows scientists to study and
understand the diversity of life on Earth, including the number of species,
their distribution, and their characteristics.

Make predictions: By understanding the characteristics and evolutionary
relationships of different species, scientists can make predictions about
their behavior, distribution, and ecological roles.

Overall, the aim of classification is to provide a systematic and organized
approach to studying and understanding the complex and diverse world of living

What is the living world?

The living world refers to all living organisms and their interactions with
each other and their environment. It includes a vast array of different
species, ranging from microscopic bacteria to complex multicellular organisms
like plants, animals, and fungi.

The living world is characterized by its diversity, complexity, and
interdependence. Living organisms are constantly interacting with each other
and with their environment, and these interactions play a crucial role in
shaping the structure and function of ecosystems.

The living world can be studied at different levels, from the molecular and
cellular level to the level of whole organisms and ecosystems. Scientists use
a variety of techniques and approach to study the living world, including
molecular biology, ecology, and evolutionary biology.

Understanding the living world is essential for many areas of human activity,
from agriculture and medicine to environmental conservation and biotechnology.
By studying living organisms and their interactions, scientists can develop
new technologies, medicines, and strategies for managing and conserving the
natural world.

Classification of Living World

The classification of the living world is based on the Linnaean system, which
groups living organisms into a hierarchical structure based on shared
characteristics, evolutionary relationships, and genetic makeup. The main
categories of the Linnaean system are:

Kingdom: The highest level of classification, which divides all living
organisms into broad groups based on their basic characteristics. There are
five main kingdoms:

  • Monera: This kingdom includes unicellular prokaryotic organisms, such
    as bacteria.
  • Protista: This kingdom includes unicellular eukaryotic organisms,
    such as algae and protozoa.
  • Fungi: This kingdom includes multicellular eukaryotic organisms, such
    as mushrooms and yeasts.
  • Plantae: This kingdom includes multicellular eukaryotic organisms
    that produce their own food through photosynthesis, such as plants.
  • Animalia: This kingdom includes multicellular eukaryotic organisms
    that consume other organisms for food, such as animals.

Phylum: The second level of classification, which divides each kingdom
into smaller groups based on more specific characteristics.

Class: The third level of classification, which further divides each
phylum into smaller groups based on specific characteristics.

Order: The fourth level of classification, which further divides each
class into smaller groups based on more specific characteristics.

Family: The fifth level of classification, which further divides each
order into smaller groups based on specific characteristics.

Genus: The sixth level of classification, which further divides each
family into smaller groups based on shared characteristics.

Species: The lowest and most specific level of classification, which
groups together organisms that are closely related and can interbreed to
produce viable offspring.

The classification of living organisms is an ongoing process and is constantly
being revised as new species are discovered and new information is obtained
about their evolutionary relationships and characteristics.

Characteristics of Monera and Examples

Monera is a kingdom of unicellular prokaryotic organisms, which means that
they lack a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. Monera organisms are
characterized by several features, including:

Single-celled: All Monera organisms are unicellular and do not have
complex multicellular structures.

No membrane-bound organelles: Monera organisms lack membrane-bound
organelles such as mitochondria, chloroplasts, and endoplasmic reticulum.

Cell walls: Monera organisms have cell walls made up of peptidoglycan,
which provides support and protection to the cell.

Reproduction: Monera organisms reproduce asexually through binary
fission, in which a single cell divides into two identical daughter cells.

Heterotrophic or autotrophic: Monera organisms can be either
heterotrophic (obtaining nutrients from other organisms) or autotrophic
(producing their own nutrients through photosynthesis).

Examples of Monera organisms include:

Bacteria: Bacteria are the most well-known and abundant group of Monera
organisms. They can be found in a wide range of environments, including soil,
water, and the human body. Some bacteria are beneficial, while others can
cause disease.

Cyanobacteria: Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic Monera organisms that
can be found in aquatic environments such as lakes and oceans. They are also
known as blue-green algae and can produce toxins that are harmful to humans
and animals.

Overall, Monera organisms are an important part of the living world, playing a
critical role in nutrient cycling, food webs, and ecological processes.

Characteristics of Protista and Examples

Protista is a kingdom of eukaryotic organisms that are unicellular or
multicellular and do not fit into any other kingdom. These organisms are
defined by several characteristics, including:

Eukaryotic: Protista organisms have a true nucleus and other
membrane-bound organelles.

Unicellular or multicellular: Protista organisms can be either
unicellular or multicellular, with some species forming colonies.

Heterotrophic or autotrophic: Protista organisms can be either
heterotrophic, obtaining nutrients from other organisms, or autotrophic,
producing their own nutrients through photosynthesis.

Various modes of reproduction: Protista organisms reproduce asexually
or sexually, and some species can switch between the two depending on
environmental conditions.

Examples of Protista organisms include:

Algae: Algae are photosynthetic Protista organisms that can be unicellular or
multicellular. They can be found in a wide range of aquatic environments and
play a critical role in producing oxygen and forming the base of many aquatic
food webs.

Protozoa: Protozoa are unicellular heterotrophic Protista organisms
that can be found in soil, water, and the intestines of animals. Some species
are pathogenic and can cause disease.

Slime molds: Slime molds are multicellular Protista organisms that are
found in damp soil and decaying plant matter. They feed on bacteria and other
small organisms and can form complex fruiting bodies.

Overall, Protista organisms are a diverse group of organisms that play
important roles in ecosystems, including producing oxygen, cycling nutrients,
and serving as food for other organisms.

Characteristics of Fungi and Examples

Fungi are a kingdom of eukaryotic organisms that are characterized by several
unique features. These features include:

Heterotrophic: Fungi are heterotrophic organisms, which means they
obtain nutrients by absorbing them from other organisms.

Cell walls: Fungi have cell walls made of chitin, which provides
support and protection to the cell.

Multicellular: Most fungi are multicellular, but some can also exist as
single-celled organisms, such as yeast.

Reproduction: Fungi can reproduce both sexually and asexually. They can
produce spores that can be dispersed by air or water to form new colonies.

Examples of fungi include:

Mushrooms: Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of certain types of fungi
that are commonly found in forests and fields. They play an important role in
decomposing organic matter and recycling nutrients in the ecosystem.

Yeast: Yeast is a single-celled fungus that is commonly used in baking
and brewing. It ferments sugars and produces carbon dioxide gas, which causes
bread to rise and beer to ferment.

Molds: Molds are multicellular fungi that are commonly found in food,
plants, and other organic matter. Some molds can produce toxic substances that
can be harmful to humans and animals.

Overall, fungi are an important group of organisms that play critical roles in
ecosystem functioning, including decomposing organic matter, cycling
nutrients, and forming symbiotic relationships with other organisms.

Characteristics of Plantae and Examples

Plantae, also known as the plant kingdom, is a diverse group of eukaryotic
organisms that are characterized by several unique features. These features

Autotrophic: Plantae is autotrophic organisms, which means they produce
their own food through the process of photosynthesis.

Cell walls: Plantae has cell walls made of cellulose, which provides
support and protection to the cell.

Multicellular: Most Plantae is multicellular, with specialized tissues
and organs such as leaves, stems, and roots.

Reproduction: Plantae can reproduce both sexually and asexually. They
can produce seeds or spores that can be dispersed by wind, water, or animals
to form new plants.

Examples of Plantae include:

Angiosperms: Angiosperms are flowering plants that produce seeds
enclosed in a fruit. They are the most diverse group of plants and can be
found in a wide range of terrestrial and aquatic environments.

Gymnosperms: Gymnosperms are non-flowering plants that produce seeds
without enclosing them in fruit. They include conifers such as pine, spruce,
and fir trees, and are commonly found in colder environments.

Mosses: Mosses are non-vascular plants that do not have roots, stems,
or leaves. They are found in damp environments and play important roles in
stabilizing soil and providing habitats for small organisms.

Overall, Plantae is a vital group of organisms that provide numerous ecosystem
services, including producing oxygen, sequestering carbon, stabilizing soil,
and providing food and habitat for other organisms.

Characteristics of Animalia and Examples

Animalia, also known as the animal kingdom, is a diverse group of eukaryotic
organisms that are characterized by several unique features. These features

Heterotrophic: Animalia is heterotrophic organisms, which means they
obtain nutrients by consuming other organisms.

Lack of cell walls: Unlike Plantae and Fungi, Animalia lack cell walls,
which allows for greater flexibility and mobility.

Multicellular: All Animalia are multicellular organisms, with
specialized tissues and organs that allow for complex body structures and

Reproduction: Animalia can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Most
animals have separate sexes, but some can also reproduce through

Examples of Animalia include:

Insects: Insects are a diverse group of animals with over a million
known species. They have three pairs of legs and three body segments and play
important roles in pollination, decomposition, and food webs.

Fish: Fish are aquatic animals that breathe through gills and have fins
for swimming. They are the most diverse group of vertebrates and play
important roles in aquatic ecosystems.

Mammals: Mammals are a diverse group of animals that are characterized
by their ability to nurse their young with milk. They include humans, dogs,
cats, and many other species, and play important roles in ecosystems through
their roles as predators, prey, and seed dispersers.

Overall, Animalia is a critical group of organisms that play important roles
in ecosystems through their roles as consumers, decomposers, pollinators, and

1.4  Different steps of Classification

What are taxa?

Taxa, also known as taxonomic units, are categories used to classify and
organize living organisms based on their characteristics and evolutionary
relationships. Taxa can range from broad to specific, with each level
representing a different degree of similarity among organisms.

The most commonly used taxa in biological classification, from most
inclusive to least inclusive, are:

  • Domain
  • Kingdom
  • Phylum (or Division for plants)
  • Class
  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species

Each taxonomic level represents a group of organisms that share certain
characteristics, with species being the most specific taxonomic level and
representing a group of organisms that can interbreed and produce viable

Taxa are important in biology as they help scientists organize and
understand the diversity of life on Earth, and provide a framework for
communication and comparison of different organisms.

What is nested hierarchy?

A nested hierarchy is a system of classification used in biology and other
fields that organizes living organisms into groups based on their shared
characteristics and evolutionary relationships. In a nested hierarchy, each
group or taxon contains organisms that share more characteristics with each
other than they do with members of other groups.

For example, in the nested hierarchy of biological classification, all
living organisms are classified into three domains: Archaea, Bacteria, and
Eukarya. Within the domain Eukarya, organisms are further classified into
kingdoms, such as Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia. Within each kingdom,
organisms are classified into increasingly specific taxonomic categories,
such as phyla, classes, orders, families, genera, and species.

The nested hierarchy allows for easy comparison of organisms and their
evolutionary relationships, as each group is nested within a larger group
that shares more characteristics. This system also allows for the prediction
of certain characteristics or traits based on an organism’s classification
within the hierarchy.

1.5  System of Binomial Nomenclature

What is binomial nomenclature?

Binomial nomenclature is a system of naming living organisms developed by
the Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus in the 18th century. In this system,
each species is given a unique scientific name consisting of two parts, the
genus name, and the species name, written in italics or underlined, with the
genus name capitalized and the species name in lowercase.

For example, the scientific name of humans is Homo sapiens, where Homo is
the genus name and sapiens is the species name. The genus name identifies a
group of closely related species, while the species name identifies a
specific organism within that group.

Binomial nomenclature is used to provide a universal and consistent way of
referring to different species of organisms, regardless of the language or
culture of the people referring to them. This system has become the standard
for scientific communication and is used by biologists and other scientists
around the world.

What is the aim of binomial nomenclature?

The aim of binomial nomenclature is to provide a universal and standardized
system for naming and identifying living organisms. This system allows
scientists to communicate about different species of organisms in a clear
and consistent way, regardless of their language or cultural background.

Binomial nomenclature achieves this goal by assigning each species a unique
scientific name consisting of two parts: the genus name and the species
name. The genus name identifies a group of closely related species, while
the species name identifies a specific organism within that group.

Using this system, scientists can refer to a species by its scientific name
with confidence that it will be recognized and understood by others in their
field. This also helps to avoid confusion and errors that can arise when
common names for organisms vary between different languages and regions.

Overall, the aim of binomial nomenclature is to provide a reliable and
standardized way to identify and refer to the vast diversity of life on

Binomial names of some organisms

Here are the binomial names of some organisms:

  • Human – Homo sapiens
  • Domestic dog – Canis lupus familiaris
  • House cat – Felis catus
  • Common chimpanzee – Pan troglodytes
  • Bald eagle – Haliaeetus leucocephalus
  • Giant panda – Ailuropoda melanoleuca
  • Western honey bee – Apis mellifera
  • Atlantic salmon – Salmo salar
  • Olive ridley sea turtle – Lepidochelys olivacea
  • Poison dart frog – Dendrobates tinctorius
  • African elephant – Loxodonta africana
  • Golden retriever – Canis lupus familiaris
  • Red-tailed hawk – Buteo jamaicensis
  • Bengal tiger – Panthera tigris tigris
  • Monarch butterfly – Danaus plexippus
  • Giant sequoia tree – Sequoiadendron giganteum
  • Bottlenose dolphin – Tursiops truncatus
  • Great white shark – Carcharodon carcharias
  • Common octopus – Octopus vulgaris
  • Venus flytrap – Dionaea muscipula
  • Mountain lion – Puma concolor
  • Chimpanzee – Pan troglodytes
  • Bald eagle – Haliaeetus leucocephalus
  • Gray wolf – Canis lupus
  • White-tailed deer – Odocoileus virginianus
  • Eastern box turtle – Terrapene carolina carolina
  • Red fox – Vulpes vulpes
  • Killer whale – Orcinus orca
  • Blue whale – Balaenoptera musculus
  • Northern cardinal – Cardinalis cardinalis
  • Brown bear – Ursus arctos
  • Green sea turtle – Chelonia mydas
  • California sea lion – Zalophus californianus
  • American black bear – Ursus americanus
  • Eastern grey squirrel – Sciurus carolinensis
  • Mountain goat – Oreamnos americanus
  • American bullfrog – Lithobates catesbeianus
  • Moose – Alces alces
  • Bengal cat – Felis catus
  • Atlantic puffin – Fratercula arctica
  • Eastern screech owl – Megascops asio
  • Golden eagle – Aquila chrysaetos
  • Ostrich – Struthio camelus
  • Jaguar – Panthera onca
  • Harbor seal – Phoca vitulina
  • African lion – Panthera leo
  • Orangutan – Pongo pygmaeus
  • Gray squirrel – Sciurus carolinensis
  • Raccoon – Procyon lotor
  • Grizzly bear – Ursus arctos horribilis
  • Cheetah – Acinonyx jubatus
  • African wild dog – Lycaon pictus
  • Zebra – Equus quagga
  • Koala – Phascolarctos cinereus
  • American alligator – Alligator mississippiensis
  • Gray whale – Eschrichtius robustus
  • King cobra – Ophiophagus hannah
  • Green anaconda – Eunectes murinus
  • Pacific bluefin tuna – Thunnus orientalis
  • Bengal monitor – Varanus bengalensis
  • Common vampire bat – Desmodus rotundus
  • Bactrian camel – Camelus bactrianus
  • Pygmy hippopotamus – Choeropsis liberiensis
  • Red kangaroo – Macropus rufus
  • American bison – Bison bison
  • Great white egret – Ardea alba
  • Grey heron – Ardea cinerea
  • Western lowland gorilla – Gorilla gorilla gorilla
  • Indian rhinoceros – Rhinoceros unicornis
  • Blue poison dart frog – Dendrobates tinctorius azureus

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