How to make Custard

How to make Custard

Quantities needed: 3 eggs, pinch of salt, 1 pint milk, flavouring to taste, 1 tbs sugar.

Making process: First, we beat the eggs, salt and sugar enough to mix well. Then, we heat the milk and pour the hot (not boiling) milk on to the eggs and stir well. Next, we need add flavouring to taste. After that, we pour into a greased dish. When using the higher temperature, we place the dish in a baking tin with hot water to come half-way up the sides of the dish. Then, we bake until set. Finally, to test for setting, we slip the blade of a knife into the custard sticking to it, the baking is finished. The custard may not be quite done in the middle, but there will be sufficient heat in it to finish the cooking and taking it out at this stage prevents overcooking and curdling.

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