Effect of Exercise on Physical Fitness

Effect of Exercise on Physical Fitness

Exercise is essential for physical fitness. Without physical exercise, none
can develop physical fitness. People of all ages should take regular exercise
systematically and follow the methods of sports training. Many changes take
place inside the body due to exercise, which develops physical changes take
place inside the body due to exercise, which develop physical fitness. The
changes that take place due to exercise are given below –

Heart Muscle

Develop Strong Cardiac Muscle

Blood circulation increases due to physical exercise or games. As a result,
the efficiency of the heart develops. The heart muscle becomes strong. Heart
volume increases and becomes disease-free as the efficiency of the heart
increases. The heart of this type is called an athletic heart.

Pumping Capacity of Heart Increases

The heart of common people pumps 130 milliliters of blood. Blood circulation
increases due to exercise. So pumping capacity of the heart increases. And
heart becomes strong, efficient and develops immunity.

Pulse Rate

Pulse rate increases if common people take exercise or do work. It usually
takes time to become normal. Tiredness does not disappear easily. On the other
hand, the pulse rate of a good player increases and becomes normal faster
after he/she takes part in exercise or participate in games and sports.
Therefore, players recover faster from fatigue than common people.

Blood Circulation

One takes part in exercise or participate in games and sports to increase
blood circulation. So, the efficiency of heart muscle increases more and
becomes stronger than that of common people.

Blood Cell

There are three types of blood cells.

  • Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes)
  • White Blood Cells (Leukocytes)
  • Platelets (Thrombocytes)

Red Blood Cells:
The amount of red blood cells in blood is high. The amount of red blood cells
in males is about 50,00000 per cubic milliliter of blood and about 45,00000
per cubic milliliter in females. It produces in the bone marrow and damages
the spleen after 120 days. The number of red blood cells increases and live
long due to the effect of exercise. Red blood cells with the help of
hemoglobin supply oxygen to different parts of the body and control body

White Blood Cells:
The amount of white blood cells is less in our body and 6000 – 8000 per
milliliter of blood. White blood cells are round, colorless, and with a
nucleus. Generally, they live 12 – 13 days. If we take exercise it will live
more and the number will also be increased. White blood cells kill germs by
surrounding and digesting them. Therefore, physical efficiency becomes

Platelets: Platelets also known as thrombocytes are disc-like structures that help stop
bleeding. They are the smallest form of elements. If a blood vessel is cut,
platelets stick to the edges of the cut and to one another, forming a plug
within 3 minutes.


During taking part in games and sports the rate of respiration increases. As a
result of this, oxygen absorption and the removal rate of carbon dioxide
increase. The expansion of respiration also increases. Therefore physical
efficiency increases.


There are different types of muscles in our body. The number of muscle fibers
does not increase but as the size of the muscles increases, the tissue becomes
thick and strong. So, this improves physical efficiency. Many changes take
place due to the effect of exercise that helps in improving physical

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