Causes of mental fatigue and their remedy

Causes of mental fatigue and their remedy

Whatever may be the fatigue whether it is physical or mental there must have
some reasons behind it. We have just discussed the causes of fatigue occurring
in human beings due to programs related to physical stress. There are many
other reasons why fatigue may occur.

Psychologists have divided the causes of fatigue into three classes:

1) Causes related to body or physique,

2) Causes related to mind or psyche,

3) Causes related to the environment.

Causes of physical fatigue include generation of lactic acid in muscles, decay
of body muscles, discharge of salt from the body, a significant shortage of
oxygen, excessive body movement, etc. In this lesson, we will discuss mental
fatigue. We can analyze the causes of mental fatigue in the following manner.

1. Lack of mental preparation: 

We should be mentally prepared before doing anything. If the performer does
not have a clear idea about the activity, fatigue may occur more quickly than

2. Lack of practice and habit:

If the students practice the program regularly and get habituated to the
activities required for the program, fatigue will not occur soon. Thus,
fatigue occurs due to a lack of practice and exercise.

3. Lack of motivation and love for work:

When you are motivated and you love the work, fatigue does not occur even
after you have worked for a long time. On the other hand, where there is no
motivation, the work becomes simply a burden. In such coercive work, fatigue
appears very easily.

4. Lack of mental willingness: 

If a student is unwilling to implement any activity fatigue occurs quickly.
Strong willpower make difficult tasks easy. Hence, lack of mental willingness
is considered as one of the causes of fatigue.

5. Environmental causes:

Apart from physical and mental causes, there are some factors that may cause
environmental fatigue. An unhealthy environment e.g. damp and shabby
environment, too hot, too cold, or damp weather is not congenial for any work.
In such an environment there is a high probability to get fatigued. In the
same way, lack of adequate light, air, wide space, and a clean environment
creates fatigue among workers.

Ways to remove mental fatigue

As loss of physical and mental strength is the root cause of fatigue, fitness,
and energy of both can remove it. In order to remove mental fatigue, we can
put emphasis on the following issues:

1. Generating love for programs: When the students love physical
education programs, fatigue cannot overpower them easily.

2. Avoiding monotony of programs: The monotony of boring activities
makes the students fatigued. On the contrary, a little rest in work makes
activities enjoyable and effective by removing monotony and fatigue.

3. Motivation: Activities should be full of motivations and will
ultimately lead to spontaneous participation in the activities. Thus,
motivations can remove fatigue.

4. Avoid stressful programs: Students should not be compelled to
implement any activities that go beyond their capacity.

5. Rest and Sleep: As nutritious food essentially prevents physical
decay, similarly rest and sleep help to remove fatigue and tiredness. Rest and
sleep remove physical and mental fatigue and thus people can work with new
enthusiasm and fresh energy.

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