What is real expansion?

If it had been possible to heat a liquid without keeping it in a vessel, the real expansion of the liquid that would be obtained is called the real expansion of the liquid.

What is regelation?

To melt a solid substance into liquid by applying pressure and again to bring it back to the solid state by reducing the pressure is called regulation.

What is geothermal energy?

There are boiling volcanos beneath the earth. Till now it is impossible to convert and use this energy. But in some places, this heat energy can be converted and used in a limited manner. This is geothermal energy.

Define triple point of water.

The triple point of water refers to the particular temperature and pressure at which water remains at all its three states – solid, liquid, and gaseous. The triple point of water is the temperature and pressure at which liquid water, solid ice, and water vapor can coexist in thermodynamic equilibrium. It is the single combination … Read more

What is plasma state?

The fourth state of matter is called the plasma state. Plasma is the ionized gas at a very high temperature. It is formed at a few thousand degrees of temperature. It has no definite shape and volume like gases.