What is meant by the Vernier constant is 0.01 cm?

What is meant by the Vernier constant is 0.01 cm? The difference between one division of the Vernier scale and one division of the main scale is known as the Vernier constant. Therefore, vernier constant 0.01 cm means, one smallest division of the main scale(1 mm) is 0.01 cm or 0.1 mm larger than one … Read more

Why is unit needed to measure something? Explain.

Why is a unit needed to measure something? Explain. Measurement is related to most of our daily activities. Moreover, we need two things to measure anything. One is a number and the other is a unit. A standard is essential, comparing with which any measurement is done. These standard quantities are called the units of … Read more

Explain the cause of flotation of the body?

Explain the cause of flotation of the body?</span > The body is floating being fully immersed in the liquid because the weight of the body equals the buoyancy of the liquid. The situation also reveals that the weight of the body is equal to the weight of the amount of liquid displaced by the body.

Centigrade and Fahrenheit Scales

Centigrade and Fahrenheit Scales The earliest thermometer was constructed by Galileo in 1593. Newton suggested the necessity of the fixed points. The temperature of the melting point of ice is taken as the lower fixed point and the temperature of steam at a pressure of 76 cm of Hg (normal pressure) is taken as the … Read more

Relation Between Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit and Rankine Scales of Temperature

Relation Between Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit, and Rankine Scales of Temperature In the figure, the temperatures of absolute zero, the melting point of ice, and the boiling point of water as measured on the Celsius (Centigrade), Kelvin (absolute), Fahrenheit, and Rankine scales are shown. Celsius and Fahrenheit’s scales show the same reading at – 40° i.e., – … Read more

Liquid Thermometer

Liquid Thermometer Liquid thermometers are based on the principle of change of volume of the liquid with change in temperature. These thermometers are suitable for a narrow range of measurements. The most commonly used liquids are (i) mercury and (ii) alcohol. The range of the mercury thermometer is – 39°C to 357°C. Alcohol thermometers are … Read more

Types of thermometer

Types of thermometer There are different kinds of thermometers. 1. Liquid Thermometers These thermometers are based on the principle of change in volume of a liquid with change in temperature. Mercury and alcohol thermometers are based on this principle. 2. Gas Thermometer These are based on the principle of change in pressure or volume with … Read more