Heat Therapy

Several thousand years ago it was recognized that hot baths were therapeutic. Hot baths, hot packs, electric heating pads, and occasionally hot paraffin applied to the skin heat the body by conduction. Conductive heating is used in treating conditions such as arthritis, neuritis, sprains and strains, contusions, sinusitis and back pain. Radiant heat is also … Read more

Heat Gain

Heat is gained by metabolism. Without loss of heat normal metabolism would increase the body temperature by 10C every hour. To a lesser extent, heat is gained from a hot environment and from eating hot food and drinks.

Heat Lost

Heat is lost from the body via the skin, lungs and excretions. The most important route of heat loss is via the skin. Depending on external and internal circumstances, about 85 percent of heat loss occurs in this way. The average heat loss of the average male adult is equivalent to that of a 60-watt … Read more

Transmission of Heat

Heats are transferred from one region to another in three ways. They are conduction, convection, and radiation. ♦ Conduction When one end of a metal rod is heated, the unheated end soon becomes warm. This is because heat travels through the metal by the process of conduction. All electrons are constantly vibrating and in metals … Read more

Latent Heat

In order to convert a solid to a liquid at the same temperature or to convert a liquid to a gas, heat energy must be added to the substance. This energy is called latent heat.

Heat and Hotness

The sensation of hotness is certainly familiar to all of us. When two bodies, one hot and the other cold are placed in an enclosure, the the hotter body will cool and the colder body will heat until the degree of the hotness of the two bodies is the same. Clearly, something has been transferred … Read more

Application of Optical Fiber

Optical fibers are not only used for light communication but it is used in medicine for lighting difficult place of the human body, as for example, the internal organ of a man. As a result of the application of optical fiber gives a clear image of the disturbing points. For example, the doctor gets the … Read more

Total Internal Reflection

At the interface of two media, the incident light beam is separated into two: reflected and refracted. If light falls with the angle on the surface of the interface, which differs from straight then at the interface light changes its direction. It is called refraction of light. Of the two media in which light propagated … Read more