Simple distillation

If we want to obtain the solvent from a solution, then the process of distillation can be carried out. The apparatus used in this process is shown in Figure. Water can be obtained from saltwater using this method. The solution is heated in the flask until it boils. The steam rises into the Liebig condenser, where it condenses back … Read more

Changing of states of matter- Solid, Liquid and Gases

The kinetic theory model can be used to explain how a substance changes from one state to another. If a solid is heated the particles vibrate faster as they gain energy. This makes them ‘push’ their neighboring particles further away from themselves. This causes an increase in the volume of the solid, and the solid … Read more

Explaining the three states of matter

Explaining the three states of matter In a solid, the particles attract one another. There are attractive forces between the particles which hold them close together. The particles have little freedom of movement and can only vibrate about a fixed position. They are arranged in a regular manner, which explains why many solids form crystals. It is possible to model … Read more

The kinetic theory of matter

The kinetic theory helps to explain the way in which matter behaves. The evidence is consistent with the idea that all matter is made up of tiny particles. This theory explains the physical properties of matter in terms of the movement of its constituent particles. The main points of the theory are: All matter is made up of tiny, … Read more

What is rate of reaction?

What is the rate of reaction? The rate of decrease of concentration of a reactant or the rate of increasing concentration of the product is known as the rate of reaction. The rate of reaction is a measure of how fast a chemical reaction occurs. It is defined as the change in concentration of a … Read more