What is Washing Soda?

Washing Soda is a chemical compound that can be used to remove stubborn stainsfrom laundry and is an essential component in most homemade laundry detergentfor powder, liquid, or single pod formulas. Sodium carbonate is known as washing soda. Sodium carbonate is also known assoda ash and soda crystals. The formula of sodium carbonate is Na2CO3.10H2O. … Read more

The Importance of Studying Chemistry

The Importance of Studying Chemistry Imagine what happens on a typical day with you You use toothpaste, once you get up from bed in the morning. Then you start reading your books. Your mother serves you biscuits and tea. After finishing that, you take your bath. When you enter the washroom, you find it a … Read more

The relationship Between Chemistry and other Branches of Science

The relationship Between Chemistry and other Branches of Science There are various branches of science like chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, environmental science, soil science, etc. Each of these branches is related to the other branches. Very much like the other branches are related to chemistry, so is chemistry related to the other branches. Let us … Read more

The Scopes of Chemistry

The Scopes of Chemistry Wherever there is an element, there is chemistry. Various gaseous elements are there in the air. There are continuous chemical changes occurring in the air. The same is there in the soil we are living on. It happening now, it happened in the ancient days too. The earth was highly heated … Read more

Introduction to Chemistry

Introduction to Chemistry Natural science is one of the branches of science. Understanding aspects of nature by means of logic, observation, or experimentation, explaining them, and producing hypotheses about them are the areas of natural science. Chemistry is one of the branches of natural science that discusses the structure of matter, its nature, and changes. … Read more

Chemistry in Our Lives

12.1 Domestic Chemistry / Household Chemistry Write the formula of edible salt? The formula of edible salt is NaCl. 12.2 Chemistry for Cleanliness What is soap? Sodium or potassium salt of higher fatty acid is called soap. What are the main raw materials for producing soap? Fat and base are the main raw materials for … Read more

Mineral Resources: Fossils

11.1 Fossil Fuel The ruins of plant and animals of ancient periods which are found underground are called fossil fuels. 11.2 Hydrocarbons 11.3 Saturated Hydrocarbons: Alkanes 11.4 Unsaturated Hydrocarbons: Alkenes and Alkynes 11.5 Alcohols, Aldehydes and Fatty Acids 11.6 The Uses of Alcohol, Aldehydes and Organic Acids 11.7 Polymers Polymerization Reaction: The reaction in which … Read more