What is diploid?

At the time of the development of reproductive cells, number of chromosomes becomes half than that of the  mother cell. This situation is known as haploid. When the haploid cells are fused, the state of cell having two sets of chromosomes is called diploid.

What is meant by equational cell division?

Mitosis is termed as equational division. Mitosis is a type of cell division by which a eukaryotic cell divides into two by a special method. In this process, the nucleus and chromosome are divided once and the number, structure and properties of chromosome in the newly formed cell remain just alike the mother cell.

What is muscular tissue?

Growing from the mesoderm of the embryo the particular type of contracting and expanding tissue forming the muscles of vertebrae animals is called muscular tissue.

What is cell division?

Every living body is composed of cells. Some living bodies are made of only one cell. They are called unicellular organisms, e.g. bacteria, amoeba, plasmodium, some fungi, and some algae, some living bodies are made of more than one cell. These are called multicellular organisms. There are many living bodies, which are made of millions … Read more

What is the meaning of an amitosis cell division?

What is the meaning of an amitosis cell division? Amitosis cell division occurs in lower organisms. The bodies of these organisms are composed of a single cell and their nucleus is not well-organized. Because of don’t having a well-organized nucleus, an important part in cell division named spindle apparatus doesn’t develop here.