Basis of Periodic Table

What is the basis of the periodic table?

The periodic table also makes known fascinating patterns and exceptions. For example, noble gases on the far right have all their “energy levels” occupied, making them exceptionally stable and inactive. Groups like halogens are electron-attracted, always looking for other atoms to fill their empty “orbitals.” The fundamental basis of the periodic table is the electronic configurations of the elements.

The basis of the periodic table is two-fold 

  • Atomic Number: This refers to the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom and is the primary ordering element of the table. Elements are arranged in increasing order of atomic number, from left to right and top to bottom. This arrangement ensures that elements with similar chemical properties fall into the same columns or groups.
  • Electronic Configuration: This refers to the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus, particularly the filling of atomic orbitals. The specific configuration of electrons dictates an element’s chemical and
    physical behavior. The periodic table reflects this by grouping elements with similar valence electron configurations into rows and blocks.

Essentially, atomic number determines the overall structure of the table, while electronic configuration explains the periodic trends and groupings within it.

How these principles work together


  • Rows (Periods): There are seven rows in the periodic table, representing different energy levels for electrons. Moving across a row, the atomic number and number of protons increase, leading to the filling of different orbitals.
  • Columns (Groups): There are 18 columns, with elements in each group sharing similar valence electron configurations and hence, similar chemical properties. These groups are further categorized into s, p, d, and f blocks based on the specific orbitals their valence electrons occupy.

For example, elements in Group 17 (halogens) all have 7 valence electrons, making them reactive and prone to gaining an electron to form halide ions. Conversely, Group 18 elements (noble gases) have a full outer shell of electrons, making them exceptionally stable and unreactive.

Therefore, the periodic table serves as a powerful tool for predicting and understanding the chemical and physical behavior of elements based on their fundamental atomic structure and electron configuration. This knowledge allows chemists and scientists to make informed predictions about reactions, develop new materials, and understand the world around us on an atomic level.

What is the basis of the model periodic table?

The modern periodic table is based on the modern periodic law, which states that the properties of elements are a periodic function of their atomic number. In simpler terms, as you move across the table from left to right, the number of protons in an element’s nucleus (its atomic number) increases by 1. While the atomic number was known before the modern periodic law, its significance in determining element properties only became clear thanks to the model of the atom and electron configuration.

A breakdown of the key factors

1. Electron Configuration: 

  • Each element’s atomic number directly corresponds to the number of electrons it possesses.
  • These electrons fill energy levels (shells) and sublevels (orbitals) around the nucleus in a specific order.
  • Elements with similar electron configurations, particularly in their outermost valence shell, tend to exhibit similar chemical properties.

2. Filling of Orbitals: 

  • The periodic table is arranged in rows (periods) and columns (groups) based on how orbitals fill.
  • Each period starts with a newly filled orbital and ends when that orbital is full.
  • Elements within the same group share the same number of valence electrons in the outermost orbital, leading to similar properties.

3. Trends in Properties: 

  • As you move across a period, the effective nuclear charge (attraction from the nucleus) increases, pulling electrons closer and decreasing atomic radius. This, in turn, affects various properties like ionization energy, electronegativity, and metallic character.
  • Moving down a group, the additional electron shells shield the outer electrons from the nucleus, resulting in larger radii, weaker attraction, and different properties compared to elements above in the same group.

Therefore, the modern periodic table, by organizing elements based on their atomic number and the resulting electron configurations, beautifully reveals the periodic recurrence of chemical and physical properties within the diverse world of elements.

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