Speaking Effectively

1. What ability do you develop through effective speaking at work?

We develop the ability to communicate with colleagues, clients, customers through effective speaking.

2. Can you provide examples of informal gossip in office?

An Example of informal gossip in office may be a friendly gossip in the corridor:
Reta: Hi Mamun, why do you look sick?
Mamun: Could not sleep well last night.
Reta: See doctor.
Mamun: Thinking so.

3. How can you control vocal tension?

We can control vocal tension by loosening jaw, lips and tongue and by opening and closing mouth easily.

If you can express yourself without stiffness or awkwardness, it means what?

If you can express yourself without stiffness or awkwardness, it mean being natural.

What is pitch?

Pitch means change of loudness of the voice.

What is articulation?

Articulation is pronouncing consonants.

What is enunciation?

Enunciation is uttering vowels.

What the up and down movement of your voice is called?

The up and down movement of our voice is called tone.

If you speak too fast what problem it may create?

As Speaking too fast makes understanding difficult and sometimes fails to convey the message completely.

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