Prospect of Modern Electronic Banking System and Bangladesh

Prospect of Modern Electronic Banking System and Bangladesh

Electronic banking system is now providing valuable banking facilities including money transfer, delivery of remittance and 24 hour banking services to remote areas of the country.

To provide these services, initially a large investment is required by the bank. However, grater number of people can be provided with these services through a small number of skilled employees by charging commission and service charge. These banking facilities are more convenient in terms of both service and income. That is why like many other countries of the world, e-banking service and income. That is why like many other countries of the world, e-banking is gaining a huge acceptance in Bangladesh.

Electronic banking is playing a vital role in providing services to a large number of people living in distant locations of the country. It is hoped that banking sector will further expand to provide its facilities to all the people of the country irrespective of rich or poor, educated or uneducated. This banking system has a growing popularity every day because the service is becoming cheaper and more easily available in present competitive market.

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