Marital Misconduct Examples

The wife’s trial testimony included a statement that the husband raped her, physically abused her, broke her finger, and was abusive to her in front of the minor children. Although the husband’s testimony painted a much different picture, the wife’s testimony was corroborated by witness testimony from her stepfather and mother.

Wife’s parents as witnesses testified to the following:

  • That the husband made light of forcing non-consensual sex on his wife, admitted to forcing himself on her, but felt he was entitled to do so as her husband;
  • That the wife was observed with bruises, black eye, and bruising inside her legs;
  • That the husband was observed emotionally abusing his wife;
  • That the husband “beat holes in the door [and wall] … pulled her hair out of her head”;
  • That the husband had broken his hand acting out his anger at his wife;
  • That the husband would not speak to his wife for days when he got mad at her;
  • That husband was observed being physically and verbally abusive to the children; and
  • That the husband had torn the clothes and underwear off his wife.

At trial, the husband offered only denials without any supporting evidence or corroborating witness testimony supporting his version of events.

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